How to Conduct a Warehouse Inventory Takes?

The Inventory Takers will be performed in accordance to the guidelines set forth in Exhibit 5.3(a). Merchant, Agent, or at its discretion, GECC, will each designate representatives to be on site for the Inventory Takers. Merchant will designate an individual to act as its representative. Each representative will wear a uniform with a name badge and identification number. In addition, each representative will be provided with appropriate tools, supplies, and assistance as needed.

Upon arrival at the warehouse, the representative will be met by a clerk or warehouse manager. The clerk will be responsible for directing the representative to their designated area. Once in the designated area, the representative will proceed to the appropriate display case. In order to do this, the representative must be able to enter the door to the display case without opening or closing the locks. Upon reaching the display case, the representative will then enter the case and access the specific displays located there. A record of all displays that are available will be maintained for future reference.Chick here for more details about service de prise d'inventaire

Upon completion of this process, the inventory taker will then remove from the display cases the items that are being displayed. Each display case will be numbered, and the inventory taker will mark the display cases for future reference. At this time, the taker should make note of the numbers that the display cases contain. This information will be used by the GECC in order to create the list of all items being purchased.

When the inventory taker has finished displaying the items that are being bought, they will exit the warehouse. If the GECC warehouse uses a separate entrance, the taker must then use a keycard system to enter through the security gate. At this time, a GECC employee will escort the representative through the parking lot and onto the GECC's property. Upon entering the GEC's facility, the GECC employees will then inspect each display case. At this time, the GECC employees will also open each display case and check the condition of each item. If any items are damaged or missing, the GEC will contact the representative. At this time, the representative must return the damaged or missing items to their respective display cases and provide a detailed description of the condition of the items.

Upon returning the damaged or missing items to the display cases, the representative may choose to take one or more of them back to the warehouse. The representative should ensure that the GEC will pay for all damages or losses. Additionally, when a representative takes an item back to the warehouse, they must provide the GEC with an inventory listing.

GEC takes great pride in providing their customers with a quality inventory taking service. GEC takes the responsibility to ensure that the items that they display in their warehouses are as per the guidelines set forth in GECG Catalog and comply with all laws.


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